Tag Archives: injury

Subtle Massage is great Right After a Car Accident


If you or someone you know has been in a recent car accident, keep in mind that light massage, Cranial Sacral Therapy or Core Synchronism treatments are VERY beneficial even moments after a car accident. If the victim is feeling fine at the moment, suggest they become proactive, and get ahead of possible whiplash symptoms that may follow if they don’t get treated.

Deeper massage techniques can come later, in a few weeks.  Even regular massage pressure can have the opposite effect, causing more pain or bruising to the car accident victim.

Subtle massage treatments are so gentle, they cannot cause any harm. These techniques work mostly with the nervous system, using very little pressure on the body so the car accident victim will feel more balanced and relaxed after one of these sessions.

These types of treatments help balance the body again, both in body and the brain. Literally…

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Crash, Bang. The Dangers of Driving.

Rosie Floyd

“One in five new drivers has a crash within six months of passing their test”

(DSA, Learning to Drive: a consultation paper (2008))

I never thought I’d ever be part of a statistic but yes, I was one of them. In the three months within passing my driving test back in October 2011 I was unlucky enough to be involved in a car accident. Fortunately I was the only one involved as I handled a corner a little bit badly and a little bit over the speed limit and landed in the bottom of a ditch and crashing into the side. I was on my way home from a 80 mile drive and crashed 6 miles away, when people find out this they always find it funny that I travelled all that way yet crashed so close to home, yet this isn’t uncommon, as 13% happen within six to ten miles from…

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